Realizing Your Deepest Desires, with Tara Brach

Realizing Your Deepest Desires, with Tara Brach

Realizing Your Deepest Desires, with Tara Brach [originally published on 03/15/2017]

This talk differentiates between egoic intentions (driven by wants and fears), and our true aspiration (deepest desires) to manifest our full potential for awake awareness and love. We explore ways to realize and open to our deepest desires when we are stuck in self-promotion, grasping and conflict, so that our aspiration becomes a compass of the heart that can guide us in living with wisdom and compassion.

Please enjoy this remastered version of one of Tara's most popular talks, originally published on 03/15/2017. To access the full library of Tara's archived talks, go to:


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With thanks and love, Tara

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