[Tears of Themis Spoiler] Upcoming banners 2, includes PVs

[Tears of Themis Spoiler] Upcoming banners 2, includes PVs

!!!!Contain Spoilers!!!! These are the upcoming events and banners according to the CN server timeline. Hope that this will be helpful for y'all to plan on your future draws.
Part 1: https://youtu.be/2FhIVf6OAI4

Feel free to join our discord channel too. Link: https://discord.gg/3m8YY53sZj
If you like my content, please consider buying me a cup of milk tea :D Thanks!

00:00 MR card
01:10 Luke SSR
01:58 Vyn Birthday
03:00 Egypt Theme 4SSRs
05:35 Artem SSR

Tears of Themis Official Taptap: [https://www.taptap.com/user/48547782]


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