Today's video is my 400th Mordhau video on Epic Brew. You could now watch a different Mordhau video of mine every single day of the year and still have a good handful left. I couldn't have done all of this without all of your continued support, so thanks to you all who show up week after week to watch my lukewarm Mordhau skills on display.
Here's to 400 more!
You can pick up Mordhau on Steam. Coming soon to Epic and consoles. https://store.steampowered.com/app/629760/MORDHAU/
You can catch me streaming Friday/Saturday nights - https://twitch.tv/epicbrew
Join the Epic Brew Discord to chat with community members about Mordhau and anything else we happen to be talking about for the day. - https://discord.gg/d249zCk
#Mordhau #Medieval
MordhauMordhau GreatswordMordhau Greatsword gameplay