The Feds Might Be Closing In On Matt Gaetz

The Feds Might Be Closing In On Matt Gaetz

Matt Gaetz recently hired a team of lawyers from out of state to help as he prepares for possible indictments. And the news from this week doesn't look good for him. His good buddy Joel Greenberg requested a second sentencing delay because he still has a lot more cooperating to do with investigators, and any extension would mean that he's giving up gold to prosecutors. Farron Cousins explains what this could mean for Gaetz.

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Things are certainly not looking good for Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz with regards to the ongoing investigation, uh, basically into his sex life and whether or not he was having sex with underage women, moving them across state lines to have sex with them. Those are all questions that investigators are trying to get to the bottom of. And of course, they've got his good buddy Joel Greenberg, who was once described as his wing man in federal custody. And what happened this week was Greenberg's lawyers asked the courts, could you please delay his sentencing yet again, because they've already delayed at once delayed again, because he has so much more cooperating with federal prosecutors to do. And you know, it makes it a little bit harder to do that when he's stuck behind bars. So please just wait, because we've got even more two months ago, they got another extension that was their first extension.

So two months ago, prosecutors in the case were getting such good information from Joel Greenberg, Matt Gaetz wing, man, that they agreed to this. And they said, yeah, keep them out of jail. We're getting good stuff. Um, now of course, as of right now, we do not have word on whether or not this new extension is going to be granted, extension delay, whatever you want to call it. Uh, so he may end up going to jail right now, but he may not Greenberg. That is, but what we do know is that prosecutors wouldn't even be entertaining. This idea if Matt Gaetz wasn't, uh, excuse me, if Joel Greenberg, wasn't giving them gold. The question that remains is whether that gold involves Matt gates. Now we also know about a week or two ago, Matt Gaetz started lawyering up hiring people who are, you know, essentially experts and defending the kind of behavior that Matt gates is being investigated for.

Um, not exactly a good luck for Matt gates. So could the walls and the feds finally be closing in on Matt gates. We don't have a definitive answer for that. All we can give his opinions and analysis on available information and based on what we know, I am inclined to say yes, now don't hold me to that. Because again, I am basing this on available information. However, as we all know, getting actual indictments against a person in a position of power, like a sitting Congressman is insanely difficult and exceptionally rare here in the United States, that will not necessarily mean that gates is innocent or guilty. It just that powerful people, as we all know, typically don't get prosecuted, but the information that has become publicly available, right? The Venmo transactions, Matt gates, even admitting like, yeah, I was paying tuition for some of these, uh, young ladies who couldn't pay for their tuition, like giving them money, you know, all of that kind of stuff.

Greenburg talking about meeting up with Matt gates to these women and then asking, Hey, do you like drugs? Yeah. The evidence that's publicly available would seem to indicate that Matt gates did it, but we don't know what else is out there. We don't know if there was the follow through, right? Cause that's the thing we have to be able to prove. Or the prosecutors have to be able to provide it's prove anything. I'm not on the case, but, but the prosecutors have to be able to prove that it went beyond just conversations between Greenberg and these women Greenberg would have to be able to provide actual evidence that Matt gates did the things that were suggested in those text message conversations. So maybe that's what Greenberg is giving up to prosecutors. Or maybe it's not related to Matt gates at all. Matt gates was not mentioned in the Greenberg indictments, but there were five individuals who were listed as potential co-conspirators who were not named gates could be one of the five.

He could be none of the five. We don't know who the other four could possibly be. They could be other powerful people here in the state of Florida, or they could be random nobodies that, uh, you know, could be involved in trafficking. And that could be why this is taking so long. And that would have nothing to do really with Matt gates, if he's not one of those individuals. So there are a lot of things at play here, but based on what I see, I do believe it starting to get tight for Matt gates.

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