warehouses, factories, automations, coal power plant, transport tubes, conveyers, water pumps, tractors, trains, drones, sky bridges, ore buffers, Combat, confusing Calculations, drama, and so much more. Follow BABz and his friends, as they attempt to create a really dope world in Satisfactory.
I like to express my Creativity, and I like when video games make me use my brain. Satisfactory is the best of both worlds. I've always loved this game. ever since I first heard about it coming to early access at E3. I still have a lot to learn about the game, but I have done a previous playthrough about a year ago. we got to about tier 4 I believe. There is a tour of our previous world on my channel if you haven't seen it yet.. I'm planning on taking my time with this lets play. I'm excited to see what kind of Ideas We come up with as the Lets play progresses. I'm glad you've decided to tag along!
Update 4 | Drones| automated Tractors | combat | huge Creations | trains | Factories | Warehouses | Storage | Assembly Lines | Power Plants | Conveyor Belts | Water Pumps | Color Pallets | Calculations | Frustrating Bugs | Fun New Ideas | all if this and more Lies ahead. SubScribe and Stay Tuned!
My Twitter - https://twitter.com/Uncle_BABz
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@uncle_babz?lang=en
My Music - https://soundcloud.com/uncle_babz
- or my youtube channel
I get my transition sounds from Zapsplat.com Thank you Zapsplat!
Background music - Bensound.com