Top 10 Discoveries That Might Destroy The World
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Whats happening guys and welcome to most amazing top ten. Some recent discoveries have us excited about the future, 2020 marked the 3oth anniversary for the hubble telescope, humans have been aboard the iss for 20 years now, comet neowise came by to say hello, but what discoveries are actually concerning? Are we screwed? Oh yeah. Im taylor mcwatters, and here are the top 10 discoveries that could end the world. Lets get bummed out.
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#unexplainableartifacts #archeological #mysteries #unsolved #unexplained #mostamazingtop10
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Landon Dowlatsingh- https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/
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Hosted By:
Taylor McWatters: https://www.instagram.com/taylormcwatterscomedy/
Edited By:
Jennire Narvaez: https://www.instagram.com/jennirenarvaezphotography/
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