UK യിലെ ജോലി സാധ്യതകൾ // Courses which can lead you to a job // Skill Shortage List in UK

UK യിലെ ജോലി സാധ്യതകൾ // Courses which can lead you to a job // Skill Shortage List in UK

Its always a great deal to fix the course one wants to pursue in UK. It is always recommended to pick a course which can lead you to a job in the skill shortage occupation list. A detailed list of the jobs in which there is shortage of workers is what is meant by this. Have a look at this video in order to get a clear picture about this. The link to the shortage occupations for health and eduction is :

The link to the other common shortage occupations is:

#OccupationsShortageListUK #SkillShortageListUK #JobsInUK

Skill shortage list ukOccupations shortage list of ukCourses to get job in uk

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