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There are a lot of ways God looks out for His children. One of the ways is when He signals to you to do things that will help you and your destiny. It can range from starting something or stopping something. God often uses different signs to push you to either start or stop. It is your responsibility to recognise these signs and discern what He is saying. In today’s topic, we will be looking at “5 signs God is telling you to remove someone from your life”. I pray that the eyes of your understanding becomes enlightened as you open your ears to listen to what He has to say to you in this video. Please don’t forget to like this page, share also with others to help them grow in the faith, subscribe to this channel for more wonderful videos like this and turn on the post notification button so you get alerted anytime we post new videos. Thank you.
• We need to understand why God does certain things. God loves us very much and He wants the absolute best for us. Because of this love that He has, He often guides us so we don’t fall into mistakes. God wants us to not associate with people who are wrong for us. These people might not necessarily be bad people but they’re not good for us. One of the reasons why God wants us to remove someone from our life is because, He wants us to maintain our relationship with Him. There are people we meet that will turn our hearts away from God. And when our hearts are no longer with God, we are in danger of losing our salvation. God doesn’t want us to spend eternity in damnation. Someone once asked. If God loves us so much, why would He send us to hell? And another person replied. He didn’t send you to hell, you chose to go to hell through your actions and everyday decision. Hell is really just a place without God in it. And Heaven is just a place that God abodes. So we get the right to choose whether we want to be with God and that’s how we end up in heaven or we don’t want to be with God and that’s how people end up in hell. Asides eternal damnation, He doesn’t want us to miss out of the good He has in store for us. Imagine that you’ve worked your whole life and passed through terrible conditions just to see that your child has a better future. At the end, your hard work paid off and you’re giving your child the very best. If someone you once knew but later abandoned you walks up to you, not in repentance but with authority and demands you treat him or her the way you treat your child, what will you do? This is how most people treat God. Most people just abandon God when they get new friends or relationships and when things are going wrong, they begin to yell at God and expect Him to come through for them when they abandoned Him. God is a perfect gentleman. He will never force you to have a relationship with Him. But there are consequences for every bad choice you make. If you choose to fail at school, there are consequences, if you choose to steal, there are consequences and when you choose to abandon God, there are consequences. Yes, God is a God of love. He loves us so much that He came to prove it by dying. But God, is also a God of justice and principles. You cannot expect Him to bless you after disobeying Him and also bless the person who obeyed. That will be unfair. If you fail at school, you’re given an F. If you pass really well, you’ll get an A. This is a reward system based on actions. If everyone will get an A whether or not you study, there won’t be any need of studying and the world will be in chaos. Imagine working so hard to get a great car and then someone comes to steal it, then the police refuse to arrest the thief because anything goes. This is why there must be justice. God will always bless people who listen to Him.

• There are a lot of benefit we get from obeying God. We can see these benefits in Deteronomy 28 vs 1 – 14. It says “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.


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