አዲሷ የቅዳሜን ከሰዓት አቅራቢ ሚስ ኢትዮጲያ ሉላ ገዙ ማን ናት? የዮናስ የዋንጫ ሽልማት እና የተረሱት ውይይት ታክሲዎች የዚህ ሳምንት አዝናኝ ፕሮግራሞች

አዲሷ የቅዳሜን ከሰዓት አቅራቢ ሚስ ኢትዮጲያ ሉላ ገዙ ማን ናት? የዮናስ የዋንጫ ሽልማት እና የተረሱት ውይይት ታክሲዎች የዚህ ሳምንት አዝናኝ ፕሮግራሞች

A Saturday afternoon infotainment show with magazine format; lifestyle, tea time guest, book review, music, cooking segment and many more…, every Saturday @2:00 PM only on EBS TV. #SaturdayAfternoonShow_EBSTV Subscribe to EBS worldwide: https://linktr.ee/ebstelevision EBS TV – Established in 2008 in Silver Spring, MD, USA, EBS TV is the first privately owned Ethiopian TV to provide a niche transmission programming that targets the booming Ethiopian market globally. #Ethiopia #EthiopianTvShow #EBSTV #EBSTVWorldwide #EthiopianBroadcastingService # You're#1choice

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