Can You Saw a Crooked Log on the Woodland Mills HM126 Sawmill??? (SAWING A GIANT ASH TREE)

Can You Saw a Crooked Log on the Woodland Mills HM126 Sawmill??? (SAWING A GIANT ASH TREE)

Mother Nature provided a giant Ash tree and we decided to saw it up on our Woodland Mills HM126 Sawmill. We were interested to see if it would work or not because it was not straight. It was very crooked and disfigured. It did work but it required more time and had considerably more wood waste than most logs that we saw on our sawmill. Although we will always try to cut straight trees to make our own lumber, we will still use whatever trees that fall on our property, even if they are crooked. We are blessed with this sawmill and continue to be amazed with how well the Woodland Mills products work. Thanks for watching another Collins Country Video! :)

-DIY Sawmill trailer build:

-Sawmill trailer details video:

Music: Hooky with Sloane by Bird Creek Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music provided by FreeMusic109

collins countrywoodlandmillssawmill

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