On 11/8/21 at approximately 1:00PM I was engaging in a constitutionally protected activity at the City Hall in Berwyn, Illinois. For peacefully exercising my right to freedom of press & Government Accountability I was unlawfully arrested for “EavesDropping” which is a felony. While being processed at the station, the charge was changed to “Disorderly Conduct” and I was released on bond after five hours in lockup. My phone & Body camera were taken from me as “Evidence” so I cannot post the encounter yet.
We the People will not let this injustice stand!
If you feel the need to redress your government regarding this incident I will leave all relevant contact information below remember it is your RIGHT.
Thank you so much for your support! 🙏🇺🇸
Arresting Supervisor: Sgt Volanti (Badge #305)
City Administrator: Ruth Siaba Green
(She is the one who ordered the Police to Unlawfully Arrest me & is the Complainant in my case!)
Berwyn City Hall: +1 (708) 788-2660
Mayor Robert J Lovero: Mayor@ci.berwyn.il.us
Berwyn Police Department: +1 (708) 795-5600
Chief of Police Michael Cimaglia mcimaglia@ci.berwyn.il.us
Cook County States Attorney: +1 (312) 603-1880
(312) 750-7070
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PayPal longislandaudit@gmail.com
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The Body Camera I use & Recommend!
Protect yourself and your family with a Dashboard Camera, I highly recommend!