After the Great Recession, lawmakers passed the Dodd-Frank Act, designed to help avoid future bank bailouts. But in practice, it granted the government immense discretionary power to bail out and regulate Wall Street firms and the wider economy. That opened the doors for crony capitalism and put undue power in the hands of regulators and special interests.
For more information, visit the PolicyEd page here: https://www.policyed.org/policy-stories/crony-capitalism-lessons-great-recession/video
Additional Resources:
Click here to buy John B. Taylor’s book First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America’s Prosperity.
Watch “The Danger of Regulatory Capture” on PolicyEd. Available here: https://www.policyed.org/intellections/danger-regulatory-capture/video.
Read “Too Big to Fail, Title II of the Dodd Frank Act and Bankruptcy Reform,” by John B. Taylor. Available here: https://www.hoover.org/sites/default/files/13108_-_taylor_-_too_big_to_fail_title_ii_of_the_dodd-frank_act_and_bankruptcy_reform.pdf.
Watch “Monetary Policy: Rules vs. Discretion,” with John Taylor, on PolicyEd. Available here: https://www.policyed.org/perspectivesonpolicy/monetary-policy-rules-vs-discretion/video.
Take Econ 1 with John Taylor in this PolicyEd series.
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