From What if the Black album was made in the 80s https://youtu.be/WWQ3BbRKcxw
Sub for (mostly) bass and metal 🔔
More bass riffs and solos https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVozhJRNLdm5AI0XpaW9EOSTQR3GbnQKq
Metallica channel https://youtube.com/MetalliGeekTV
My band Bulavira https://youtube.com/bulavira
Patreon https://patreon.com/AndriyVasylenko
Instagram https://instagram.com/andriyvasylenko14
Telegram https://t.me/AndriyVasylenko
Twitter https://twitter.com/riffhood
Special thanks to patrons for their support: Even W, Murphy, Beddez, Tiler RH, Tzvetomir P, Tim S, Sharad S, Gjermund GT, Aaron B; James R, Luifa G, Mark A, John S, Ronny A, Mason N, John R, John B, Partick S, ChaoticBeauty, Kevin G, Melinda B, Mirco D, Ersin S, Bo Dan P, Dustin H, Josh N, Felix S, William RD, pototos59, Aaron L, Jorge C, Terry M, Evgeni V, Chris B, Kyle J, Faris C, Bartloniej H, Dan L, Christos K, Maksim K, Rene H, Jeremy K, Chris B, Jameson M, Bogdan S, Marcin B, Felix F, Andy S, Matt R; Paul B, Elliott W, Gustavo V, Jerome R, Mountain Mirrors, Klaus WH, Anaira H, Ivan, Brett, Martin V, Michails S, Jake S, Travis Y, Jesse D, Vladislav V, Maxim S, Zach B, Adam, Graham D, Chuck B, Olle L, Jordan M, Dani T, Marco M, Diego G, Cover Solutions, Boris M, Dominique F, Andrew W, Reza G, Alfonso M, Marcin J, Constantine L, Jerry T, AssBEST, Jan J, Luke P, Luifa G, Márton N, Dion L, Shane M, Clément C, Christopher T, Sam G, GillRigged, Lexi Lee, Kai E, Anthony G, and others \m/
#metallica #metal #bass