This episode continues the exploration of the term justice and how it has been grossly misapplied to government applications of power that have no resemblance to actual justice. In this episode, I discuss the methods by which government agencies are given such a broad latitude to commit their perversions of justice, and the High Court decisions that reenforce the practices. Through deliberate infliction of fear and intimidation, prosecutors throw bodies into prison, making Montana literally the most prolific state of incarcerations in the world.
To support the truly prolific state of Montana's incarceration statistics, visit:
Much of this podcast's content is inspired by an article written by Clark Neily, which can be found here in full:
Please help support our cause! For interview requests or information sharing from incarcerated or "supervised" individuals, please contact my Producer Bill Russell at PO Box 234, Dubois, Idaho 83423 (USA). For material or resource donations, please send them to Ron Glick, 40 1st Avenue West #2, Kalispell, MT 59901. Monetary donations can be sent via Paypal to (you can also email me directly at that address), or you can purchase my books on Amazon (but contact me directly if you intend the purchase of any book besides the autobiography, U.S. Political Prisoner Since 2004, to support my efforts here).