Paint It Black / Another Brick In The Wall Parody Song for those who hate technology

Paint It Black / Another Brick In The Wall Parody Song for those who hate technology

The Rolling Stones' Paint it Black meets Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall in this Parody song all about technology - and those who just don't like it. Know anyone like this?

My dear mother, Carolyn, has a hate-hate relationship with technology. I'm a teacher by trade and can teach tough concepts to anyone, but trying to teach her how to save documents on a computer is a mountain too high for me. She 100% inspired this song and was such a good sport about it that she agreed with my request to film her trying to use her phone and a laptop. No acting here - just me capturing her trying to figure it all out. Good times!

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paint it black parody songShirley ȘerbanShirley Serban

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