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Stephen Hawking ने दिए अंतरिक्ष के अनसुलझे सवालों के जवाब | Brief Answers to The Big Questions
Hey guys, Sir Stephen Hawking was published his first book A Brief History of Time is 1988. and this book stayed on the list of bestselling books for weeks and months. Stephen Hawking's writing skills and way of explanation were so simple that a teenager can easily understand his books. Stephen Hawking gave us so much knowledge about this vast universe. He told us about Blackhole, Time travel, the Origin of the Universe, etc. But in the year 2018, he was writing his last book Brief Answers to the Big Questions. In today's video, we will discuss some of the questions from this book
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Written, Edited, and Voice by:
[ Sujit Kumar, Vikash Kumar & Kaushik]