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Teaching Our Kids to Work Together with OSMO!
Beyond Family Vlogs: https://tinyurl.com/beyondfamily
Watch our Newest Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUUK2rgpyxM&list=PLL5ucNnbou07jsOZP7od1t9ucoTR__nhR
Check out our other channels!!!
Madison & Beyond: https://tinyurl.com/madisonsub
Trinity & Beyond: http://tinyurl.com/trinitysub
Teaching Our Kids to Work Together!!! There's nothing better than having your kids work together and what better way to teach them than with Osmo! Today Trinity and Madison are learning to work together as a team with the help of Osmo and the coding starter kit. With 4 different games to play, they're not only learning and enhancing their problem solving skills, but they're having healthy screen time too!
Follow the Beyond Family:
FaceBook: https://facebook.com/trinityandbeyond
IG: https://instagram.com/trinityandbeyond.yt/
TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@johnbeyond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrinityBeyondYT
About Beyond Family:
Hey everyone! Thanks for visiting our family vlog channel! We usually post twice a week! We originally started "Trinity and Beyond" for fun and do lots of skits and challenges. Since then our audience has grown so much with parents and whole families watching, so we decided to start this separate channels for vlogs.
Thanks again for visiting. Please be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications to never miss a video!
#beyondfamily #trinityandmadison #trinityandbeyond #osmo