Back 4 Blood Developers (Turtle Rock Studios) had a livestream on twitch to address questions and concerns about the November Patch for back 4 blood. They talked about Melee, Speed builds, and how updates are pushed through.
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Back 4 Blood Video Guides ▼
Molotov Secret ► https://youtu.be/exNWFAxlZXI
How Damage ACTUALLY Works ► https://youtu.be/ZWpmxuSKBug
Weapon Rarity Guide ► https://youtu.be/-LixTRiXSJ0
Does SPEED Ruin Nightmare? ► https://youtu.be/6cLPg3cfFz0
Get WAY MORE Copper ► https://youtu.be/VocpDA_jAng
100% Accuracy ► https://youtu.be/qC7Wb19_-Ys
Doc Guide ► https://youtu.be/Wv85rtFA148
November Patch ► https://youtu.be/TU1tMOO2EY8
Back 4 Blood Stats ► https://statty.net/
Back 4 Blood Discord ► https://discord.gg/turtlerockstudios
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