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This occupational safety film from the 1970s by the U.S. Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration (MESA) demonstrates workplace precautions at the face of a coal mine to counter roof fall accidents. Various methods, including the use of automated roof bolting machinery, are demonstrated and explained. In short, the films shows miners and machinery in action at the face of an active coal mine.
Closeup: man with headlight. Miner strikes ceiling in narrow mine with rod, holds up devices / lantern to assess (0:03). Closeup: fast dramatized falling of rock, hits miner in head, he falls (0:59). Title: “Twenty-five feet from the face” (1:03). In same scene, several men in hard hats tend to fallen miner (injured), carry him out on stretcher (1:10). Zoom: narrator addressing camera (red hat, jean jacket). Vacated scene near face area (1:49). Lone miner enters, assesses temporary roof supports (2:03). Panning shot: mine face viewed from below, temporary supports (2:08). Miner looks around at face, tests roof next to rib with rod (2:19). Closeup: miners’ hands / rod touching ceiling (“sound and vibration method”) (2:26). Miner tests wall, takes down loose “drummy” material with slate bar (2:50). Miner uses handheld device for methane testing (3:42). Motorized equipment brought in for roof support (3:55). Another miner comes to help install temporary supports / safety jacks (4:15). One miner yells to the other to retreat from unsafe area; he does (4:25). Miner with temporary support jack enters unsupported area near face, visually examines, removes glove, tests roof with stick / hand, replaces glove (4:40). Miners adjust height of temporary support jack, install jack (including bolter helper) (5:05). Worker sets jack mechanically (5:21). Two men saw wooden posts, install near face (5:30). Miner uses cap / wooden wedges to tighten wooden temporary support (closeup) (5:30). Various temporary support jacks finished (no people) in systematic / distributed layout pattern; then, miner enters to install another (6:06). Roof bolter begins assessment (6:40). Closeup: motorized drill goes through marked spot on mine roof (6:47). Roof bolting machine with technician (action) (7:13). Miner holding bolts. Another bolt is placed with fastener end (7:40). Bolt torqued by miner (handheld tool); he assesses torque reading, adjusts equipment (8:05). Miner drives bolting machine backward (8:29). Closeup: miner’s face (8:33). Miner tells another to retreat from unsupported area (8:43). Miner approaches face (8:59). Various shots of miners in action: miner operator, roof bolter / helper, timber man, jack setter, brattisman, shot firer, foreman, supervisory official. Miner tests face area (now with temporary supports / ribs) (9:27). Miners operate heavy machinery to advance (9:59). Man uses jack near face (10:08). Roof almost falls (closeup), man looks up, too late, is hit; miner lying on ground under rock. Miner removes drummy / loose material with slate bar (10:28). Miners sitting, talking (10:41). Mine manager instructs sitting group of miners using notes on paper. Closeups of miners’ faces. Closeups of paper (roof support plan) in manager’s hands during discussion (11:02). Miner pushes forward sliding-type ventilation tubing near face (11:26). Miner uses methonometer with extendable probe (11:38). Roof bolter with automated temporary roof support (“ATRS”) system moves through mine / in action (11:47). With ATRS in place, man approaches to assess face area, checks methane, roof (12:10). Roof bolts being installed while operator watches under ATRS (12:38). A different roof bolter operates using ATRS (12:50). Closeup of miner’s hands (13:00). Resin bolting; combination bolting method; resin-grouted rods, connected to conventional (mechanical) roof bolt (no use of expansion shell) (13:17). Machine prototype executes automated roof bolting (14:25). Narrator near face in supported area talks to camera (15:23). Brief shot of face area closeup (15:50). End sequence: “The Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration gratefully acknowledges the assistance and cooperation of mineral industry companies and state and other agencies that provided the facilities for making this production possible.” Logo: MESA (United States Department of the Interior Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration) (16:03).
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com