We Now Know Exactly What Records Trump Is Hiding From January 6th Committee

We Now Know Exactly What Records Trump Is Hiding From January 6th Committee

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In a court filing on Saturday morning, the National Archives revealed the types of information that Donald Trump is suing to keep secret from the January 6th Select Committee. The documents include call logs, drafts of speeches, notes from his aides, and many other pieces of information that could prove incredibly relevant to the investigation. The Archives has so far rejected Trump's claims of Executive Privilege, and their filing is an attempt to get permission to immediately release the materials. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

Link - https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/30/call-logs-speech-drafts-among-records-trump-is-trying-to-block-from-jan-6-investigators-517796

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Thanks to a court filing on Saturday morning from the National Archives, we now know exactly what records Donald Trump is trying to keep secret from the January 6th select committee. And some of those documents include binders put together by Kayleigh McEnany, drafts of speeches, communications and call logs between anybody, I guess, Donald Trump spoke to, and of course, handwritten notes by everybody that was pretty much in the White House on the day of January 6th. This is a lot of information, obviously, and when the National Archives filed their filing on Saturday morning, they were basically arguing that these are the documents Donald Trump wants to have, but we at the National Archives, one, reject his claim of executive privilege. So that's pretty dang big. And two, these documents and the call logs and everything else, could be of material relevance to the investigation being conducted by the January 6th committee.

Now, the timing of this filing is also important because let's not forget that it was just a week ago, you know, about five days before the filing actually happened, that we got the information via the Rolling Stone piece, that several of the Capitol rioters said they had been coordinating, or excuse me, rally organizers said they had been coordinating with members of Congress and people from the White House about setting up the actual rally. So, if, if that article holds any weight in court, which to be honest, the chances of that are relatively slim, unless they can get ahold of those two witnesses and corroborate their story in terms of for the court, court case, then yes, it would be material and relevant. However, that knowledge is now out there. So even though we have judges that have to, you know, put on their blinders, choke out all of the non-relevant talk that's not, you know, a actual part of the lawsuit. It's still there and they still know that.

So there is a chance they could outright reject Donald Trump's claims of executive privilege, throw the case out and immediately tell the National Archives they can go ahead and release these documents, or they could send this thing to trial. They could drag this out for months and months, and that is what Donald Trump is hoping to do here. He knows that he is not going to be able to block the release of these documents. All he can hope to do is delay it. With the National Archives saying that no, we reject his claim of executive privilege, with the Biden administration saying, we're the ones who give executive privilege and we're not claiming it on these. It comes down to whether or not a former president has any authority at all over the executive branch. That is the legal argument and if that were the case, then you could have past presidents. You could have Barack Obama start exerting executive privilege, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush. Hell, Jimmy Carter.

So I seriously doubt even if this case did somehow make it all the way to the Supreme Court, which is Donald Trump's goal, I seriously doubt anybody on that bench would want to give that kind of power to former presidents.

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