We can believe or think that we know how this reality actually functions, but we can't and we don't. There are many things yet undiscovered and probably many more that may never be discovered, measured, or understood by humans. Not knowing may be uncomfortable for some, but some of us prefer it that way. I love that there are still many genuine mysteries, both on this planet and beyond. For all we know, this outward reality is a mirror to not only our personal inward reality but our collective realities as well. We let the outward affect our inward and so on and on the cycle goes. If we have momentum in one direction, it feeds on itself because we are never even seeing the root cause (much less doing anything about it). What if we are creators in even more subtle ways than we could ever imagine? How different could this world look in 10, 20, or 30 years if each and every one of us behaved as if this were true?
We can work on changing someone else
or we can work on changing ourselves
Both are equally difficult
But one is going to piss someone off
and the other might actually get us somewhere
If you would like to talk to someone and get another perspective, I am offering a few new clients very affordable hourly rates for coaching (physical, mental, spiritual) and/or just listening as a human being who wants to genuinely help another.
*If you are curious at all and would like more information, I will send you more details if you email me through my business contact email which you can find at the bottom of my About page.
If you would like to donate to this channel at any point, it is always appreciated.
Thank You:
Audacity Free Audio Software
OBS Free Recording Software
VSDC Free Video Editor
Plane 9 Audio Visualizer
Pixabay video by ChristianBodhi
YouTube Audio Library: Hydra by Huma-Huma
#fightforthesky #shadowwork #personalgrowth
self awareness, philosophy, higher self, the big picture, spirituality, consciousness, shadow work, the collective unconscious, poet, musings, spilled ink