What Samoa, Puerto Rico, and (USA)Virgin Islands got in common? @Torah Apologetics @Avi Yemini

What Samoa, Puerto Rico, and (USA)Virgin Islands got in common? @Torah Apologetics @Avi Yemini

@Torah Apologetics
@Torah Orthopraxy
Samoa, and Virgin Island (United States ofAmerica) what they have actually in common is they are all part of the  United States of America nation,  the  only different is between Samoa, and Puerto Rico, and Virgin Island is that Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands (United States of America) are United  States  American people,   meaning  they born United States citizens,  unlike  Samoa belongs to United States of America but are United States American citizen, the reason  PR, VI, (United States of America) because  United States built an union based  in local Federal Government, but also  other  types of local  governments as long  they still part of the United States of America, that is why is called on purpose United States not United federal states so Puerto Rico, and Virgin  Island was offered many governments formulas as confederate,  Commonwealth, and Federal, but of course not independence. Puerto Rico as  Virgin Islands are Commonwealth and  United States American people,  while Samoa is territory of United States of America, but  not United States of America citizens,  because in the land of Samoa you born or you  get  the citizenship as Samoan citizen, not  United States American citizen. The only way that a Samoan can be United States citizen is by been any land  that  is part  of United States of America, but also  have te citizenship as Hawaii,  Puerto Rico,  and Virgin islands,  then be there residing  for  3 months then can ask for  United States citizenship, but regardless  even  though are not United States citizens still can travel  to the United States of America. It is sad that Samoa as Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico is part  of United States of America, but  without United States citizenship,  they should  have  United States citizenship by common sense  or leave Samoa as an independent country.
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