In this video, Dr. Shrikant starts by explaining the various meanings of the word Brooding. Brooding is thinking of something which is sad, angry, frustrating, disappointing etc. He shares why the mood of the patient is sad, dissatisfied, angry, frustrated etc.
The 3 mark remedies for brooding are Ignatia and Veratrum Album.
In Ignatia there is brooding over a sad incident. Veratrum has brooding and thinking continually about losing their social position. They have a fear that other people will know about their fakeness and hence they feel sad. Dr. Shrikant shares a short case of the same.
The 2 mark remedies in this rubric are Gelsemium, Naja and Acid Phos,
In Gelsemium patients have anticipation, are cowardly, before any exam or event, thinks one day prior what is going to happen tomorrow. In Naja we see brooding about something wrong done by someone or something wrong done by him. It is related to moral values and ethics. In Acid Phos there is loss of interest in life with brooding over memories of dead relatives which took place many years ago.
Some of the 1 mark remedies discussed are Capsicum, Euphrasia, Ipecac, Mezereum and olender.
The cross references are:
Anxiety in which we see fear that something bad will happen, anticipating something bad. Whereas brooding is thinking about something unlike anxiety where there is fear that something bad will happen.
In sadness- The patient is only sad may or may not be thinking.
Dr. Shrikant has explained the difference between brooding and the rubric Dwells over past disagreeable events.