#srilanka #gohomerajapaksas #gotagohome #revolution
~Thanking the Sri Lanka citizen who approached are activist on twitter and gave this script~
Dear Sri Lankan people residing in overseas.
As you are aware ,this is the moment your beloved country need your help most, as it is facing one of the most decisive moments of economic & financial crisis in its entire history.
To keep it short, if we all do not get together and take a decisive action, Sri Lanka will run out of most essential supplies of medicines, medical equipments and other basic essentials within days to weeks. That means a lot of helpless patients are going to face the risk of loosing their lives for the lack of medicines and many are going to suffer for the lack of basic facilities.
Today another citizen died while waiting in the queue for fuel. Minimum of two people have already died in the hospital due to shortage of basic medical equipment or medicine. Health is considered a fundamental human right.
This is unprecedented situation, Sri Lankan government has betrayed its citizens.
Doctors are so desperate they are being quoted saying, that most of patients in peripheral hospitals will die like animals in the weeks to come.
Imagine going through a surgery and there is not enough painkillers to help you sail through the pain.
Pediatricians are too calling for help, they are not having any more ETT tubes for artificial ventilation of newborn babies who can’t breath.
Let’s all come together and help. Sri Lankans are a strong nation. This is how you can easily help.
There are nearly 3 million Sri Lankan’s living overseas currently - If each one of you could send a gift of any US dollar amount you can spare to your own closest relative or friend currently living in Sri Lanka via an official bank transfer within this new year week, that will easily bring much needed US dollars and your beloved country will get through this crisis! It is that simple.
This is the time you all can come forward to rescue your own mother country which is bleeding alive.
We all can and should then stand a firm ground and start voicing to change the system to bring the best out of the nation that it deserves to be thereafter- let this be the beginning of the revolution.
Let us be united, like we always were and always will be. Never let anyone to divide us again.