Chicken Steam roast recipe by cooking
And Style An improved and best Chicken
Steam roast recipe you will love this
Recipe just try it This steam chickin
Is without oil and frying Chicken steam in pan without oil and frying This chicken is good
For health and very easy and healthy
Healthy chicken steam roast by cooking & style
Degi chicken steam roast is a perfect recipe Chicken recipes by cooking & style
Best for ramadan to try and make this
Chicken roast So we can say healthy recipe
Of chicken and easy to try
Very latest and improved recipe of chicken
Roast steam
We also say this Degi charga recipe
Chicken charga recipe a very tasty and
Chicken tandoori as well because we used tandori masala and prepared it
Bhuna hwa chicken or chicken curry
How to make chicken steam roast
At home in an easy way
Vinegar 4tbsp
Red chilli powder 1/2 tsp
Crushed chilli powder 1/2 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Coriander powder 1 tsp
Garlic powder 1/2 tsp
Chaat masala 1/2 tsp
Black pepper 1/2 tsp
Ginger garlic paste 2 tbsp
Nutmeg and mac 1/3 tsp
Tandoori masala 2 tbsp
Youghurt 4 tbsp
Oil 2 tbsp for steamer
#chicken #chickenroast #chickensteamroast
#ramadanrecipes #chickencurry #chickenCharga #Steamroast #chicken
#chickentandoori #degiroast #degiCharga