HOYOVERSE already announced Shikanoin Heizou a few hours ago, many players are excited about this new Inazuma character. After a little bit of searching from the Genshin Impact community, we found some rumors about Shikanoin Heizou that might be interesting. First, Shikanoin Heizou is rumored to be the first catalyst male character in the game, this make sense because, according to the wiki, for short, he is very smart. Smart characters tend to use catalysts in this game, for example Lisa, Ningguang, Sucrose and etc. If you look at his splash art, we can't see his weapon, but we got an ancient Japanese police baton instead. This is similar to Yae Miko in her splash art, we can only see her wooden wand called Gohei. This is very common among catalyst users. And also according to the rumor, the 3d model size of Heizou is shorter than Xiao, this means, Heizou will be the shortest male character in the game. We're not sure about this but if we look to another male anemo characters, Heizou is very suitable for this position. I am very excited for this character, so I am sure to save my Freemogems or Free Primogems or Free Intertwined Fates for Him In Genshin Version 2.8
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