Mind Mapping is an incredibly powerful skill for studying, note taking, and learning because it forces us to generate connections and relate ideas together. However, many students struggle to use it because of how difficult it is to do it effectively. We were in the same boat. And after lots of trial and error, studying and learning through many subjects like medicine, STEM, productivity, and even business, we've come up with a checklist of items to make mind mapping a super effective and easy-to-use tool. Making mind maps has easily become our favorite learning strategy to study for exams or for boards. Here's our ultimate mind map tutorial to take better notes.
Tony Buzan - Mind Map Mastery
Alex Mullen - Mullen Memory
Justin Sung - The Perfect Mind Map
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3️⃣ Our note-taking + flashcard app ➔ https://www.remnote.com
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⭐️ The Mike & Matty Map: https://bit.ly/MikeMattyMap
👋 We are just two brothers exploring ways to live happier and healthier lives. Topics that we enjoy include wellness, productivity, and personal growth (mixed with a little science :)
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🙏 Thanks for watching!
- Mike and Matty