Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was one of several Trump associates recently subpoenaed by the grand jury in Georgia, but Graham announced that he will NOT be complying because he allegedly has "limited immunity" due to serving in the Senate. That's a legal theory that is certainly going to be put to the test in court, which is likely why Graham went that route. Farron Cousins explains what's happening.
Link - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/georgia-election-2022-lindsey-graham-b2117159.html
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So this week, Lindsay Graham, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, and a couple of other Donald Trump lawyers were subpoenaed by the Fulton county grand jury being run by, uh, da Fannie Willis over in Georgia. And Lindsay Graham became the first person subpoenaed by this group to come out and say that absolutely under no circumstances. Am I going to comply with your silly little subpoena, even though you've made it very clear that I'm not even a target, I'm just a witness but I'm still not gonna come talk to you about my involvement with trying to get the state to overturn their 2020 election results. Not gonna happen. Lindsay Graham's lawyer said in a court filing and, uh, they made some pretty stupid arguments, actually. Uh here's what they said. Any information from an interview or deposition with Senator Graham would immediately be shared with the January 6th committee. That's not true. And technically that would be illegal. Grand juries are not allowed to share information like that. So right off the bat, Lindsay Graham's lawyers in saying that he is not going to comply with anything, have made a statement, that one, they have no evidence to support. And two, that would be absolutely illegal if it happened.
So if that's your legal argument, you just lost your case. And Lindsay Graham, you probably spent a good deal of money on these lawyers who are clearly morons.
They went on to say, Senator Graham was well within his rights to discuss with state officials, the processes and procedures around administering elections. Should it stand the subpoena issue today would erode the constitutional balance of power and the ability of a member of Congress to do their job. What they're trying to argue there is the, uh, speech or debate clause in the constitution with regards to members of Congress. Now members of Congress, as part of their official line of duty cannot be sued. They cannot be subpoenaed for carrying out any part of their job and what these lawyers are. Again, falsely arguing is that, Hey, Lindsey Grahams is doing this as part of his job, except he wasn't cuz he's a Senator from South Carolina. He has no connection to Georgia other than being neighbors. See, see what I mean here? So there's no possible way to argue that Lindsay Graham, as part of any of his congressional duties, you know, senatorial duties, but it is all collectively referred to as Congress. Um, cuz people have pointed out. No it is you it's okay to call them congressional duties, even if it's a Senator. But anyway, Graham has no connection to the state of Georgia.
His decisions, his actions are not on behalf of the Georgian people they're of the south Carolinians.
So you can't argue that he was acting within his capacity as a Senator from a different state to question another state that he has no jurisdiction over as to why they were doing their election in the way that they were. Hmm, not to mention, of course, Lindsay Graham was on that phone call, uh, where he told them to quote, uh, reexamine, certain absentee ballots cast in Georgia in order to explore the possibility of a more favorable outcome, that, that wasn't in your official line of duty there, Senator, but you put your nose where it didn't belong and now you got in trouble for it, except you were not even in trouble for it. They're just saying, Hey, you, you were a part of this coming to be a witness. They're not saying we're gonna go after you. They should, especially now. And I hope they do.
I hope you know what? I hope they change with you. And I hope they say, all right, you know what? Tough guy. You wanna fight this subpoena. Cool, go ahead and fight that. Cuz we're gonna hit you with another one and we're gonna start investigating your. You're now a target, not a witness. You're a target. So maybe get some better lawyers. That's what that prosecutor should do. That's what I would love to see happen because that is what Lindsay Graham deserves. At this point, he's going to lose his court challenges. That's a given, he's not going to prevail here. And he knows that he obviously he's seen his legal team.