We find ourselves back on the city streets of The United States Of America.
And another vehicle is stopped by the police for no plates, registration and insurance.
Since they proclaim “Moorish American National” and have a twisted view of history and the current law(s) … of course, they don’t have any of those.
After giving the officers a hard time and a sergeant arrives, the camera comes out.
Let’s watch the rest..
(Many thanks to Swindle Hoodwinked for the video .. check it out, here: https://youtu.be/gFL4xO9IiCY )
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King Leo 9, bandon, Robert Morley, Anne D, Chris Kelling, LED_ZEPPLIN-Warewolfgirl-73, Pedro Whack-mole, WW Goddess Of Truth, Grendel S Rage, ArchAnglAzreal, AZ Jeepgirl, Tani Aye, Jane’s Blonde-007 & JCarr.
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