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Telegram channel for MBBS Students - https://t.me/parthvegan
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Let's connect on Linkedin and build a medical community there!
For business enquiries or otherwise - parthgauravgoyal@yahoo.com
My Books -
My Official Website (You can buy my books here at lowest price) - https://parthgoyal.in/books/
BIOHACK Book (Black/White) : https://amzn.to/3szhnL2
BIOHACK Book (Coloured) : https://amzn.to/3z9S4S3
CHEMHACK Book (B/W) : https://amzn.to/3z982fq
CHEMHACK Book (Coloured) : https://amzn.to/3jCswaw
You can also buy ebooks from my app βParth Goyalβ which are cheaper than hardcopy!
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Parth Goyal
AIR 223 in NEET 2019
AIR 5364 in JEE ADVANCED 2019
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Quora - https://www.quora.com/profile/Parth-Goyal-89
My website for patients suffering from lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer etc - https://doctorbuddha.com/
Who I am ?
Thank you for not just watching the video, but reading this segment too! I am Parth Goyal, a NEET & JEE Ranker and a MBBS Student at GRMC, Gwalior.
I have always been interested in doing science stuff and motivating students to do the same. Science and technology are the main things through which society progress and we need to bring it to next level. However, I am also vegan and I think that over-exploitation of animals in the name of science is bad and science should be done in a sustainable way.
I love to create videos which tell people something new and amazing!
About this channel -
This channel contain things that I always dreamt to tell to the people. These things will be new, unique, ideas that were never thought before. I have also made some motivational videos and some lectures of various subjects like biology, physics and chemistry. I also made some videos about how you can treat diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems permanently with lifestyle changes only. Thanks for reading till the last. Hope you will get everything in your life which you want.
Till Then,
Be With Me!