I did it. I got my first rated level after 6 years of playing this game. I can rest, and finally, move on with my life.
Twitter doesn't take this well as expected, and I am glad as this is the funniest moment ever. They are acting like this is a 9/11 occurrence. I couldn't have done this without the following people:
@The Lisp Mob
@Gokill GD
and especially thanks to Lexy, Yuko, Lolwut, for dogpiling me when I was at the worst in my life, borderline about to end it because of many many reasons, y'all really helped add fuel to the flame, better yet you all played like you had no part of it and said I was the horrible person, I appreciate it. Lolwut and I are chilin now but still I cannot thank you all very much for this moment as you guys helped me out. Thanks to alphanetic, for making that false drama on me two years ago but we moved on from it but hey, it started my "controversy" arc, also thanks to Maya for lying beside em and saying you only wanted attention. Thanks to salvania for editing those messages to make it look like I was harassing you when in reality it backfired on you. Also thanks to StarkyTheSalad, for saying “let’s pray that his levels never get rated” when he jinxed it for y’all. 😎
It is only a matter of time where people realize that I was never the problem and that I never woke up and chose violence, that I was always a target for drama for literally everything, and maybe that day will or will not come. I can finally rest, and move on from the past as I have no reason to interact with the community anymore. This is the happy ending, and now I can focus on getting my mental health up for once.
The fact that all it took was for a level rate of mine to blast off GD twitter will always be a laughing stock for me, because it affects no one except me, because I got the creator points for it.
As ridiculous as this sounds, I apologize for all the drama in the past, I finally have no reason to be in any, so if you have any hate towards me, it is COMPLETELY one sided.