Which Killers could defeat Dead by Daylight’s Entity

Which Killers could defeat Dead by Daylight’s Entity

Hey everyone, today we’re considering which of Dead by Daylight’s killers could possibly defeat the Entity. I did already do a video on this a while ago, but now with new killers in the game and also some of my thoughts and opinions changing, I thought we’d revisit this. As always, if you have some thoughts or ideas on this, do drop them down below in the comments.

Chapter XXI is a Hellraiser one! The PTB is currently out and features the new killer, The Cenobite, or Pinhead. This is, however, the only content that seems to be releasing with the chapter.

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor's Army - Jeremy Blake
Feels - Patrick Patrikios
Clean and Dance - An Jone

Hope you enjoy!
Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/AZHYMOVS

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Intro 0:00
Could not defeat the Entity, or no desire to fight back 0:20
Would fight back to no avail 2:49
Could possibly defeat the Entity with ingenuity 4:10
On par with the Entity's power 9:54
Outro 16:29

dbddead by daylightazhymovs dbd

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