a little too excited for this specific pile, the other books on my shelves are quite jaded about this haul - thank you so much if you threw any of these my way!
in this video...
Midnight's Children https://tidd.ly/3BTzBL2
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running https://tidd.ly/2XjHXwp
No Longer Human
Latitudes of Longing https://tidd.ly/2YTrvnd
Norma Jeane Baker of Troy https://tidd.ly/2XmwNHm
The Hungry Tide https://tidd.ly/3DP6Nno
@Bookish Topics
S https://tidd.ly/2YWDgcd
You Must Change Your Life https://tidd.ly/3aJRPTl
A Mercy https://tidd.ly/2YVAXqy
You Deserve Nothing https://tidd.ly/3BQiQAv
Open Water https://tidd.ly/3FTzv8E
Titus Groan https://tidd.ly/3BPbuNA
The Truants https://tidd.ly/3FWiEBZ
@Ciara Foster
Binti https://tidd.ly/3j99IPT
My Dark Vanessa https://tidd.ly/2XmxW1C
Nightfall https://tidd.ly/3n2ZIZB
Grief Lessons https://tidd.ly/3n6mrV0
*if you'd like to use my book depository affiliate link to check out any of the books mentioned and support my channel it's below!
🏺I also exist in these places 🏺
ASMR CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0qIaD8rmMo5YiPvMeOQs0w
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/10795588-emma
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/emmie.reads/
BUSINESS: emmacrest59@gmail.com
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