Liquify & Distort AFTER EFFECTS TUTORIAL in हिंदी
Push, pull, rotate, enlarge, and shrink regions in a layer using the Liquify effect. When you hold down the mouse button or drag, several Liquify tools deform the brush area. The distortion is centred in the brush area's centre, and it gets stronger as you hold down the mouse button or drag over a region repeatedly.
Using Freeze A, you can limit how much of a layer you distort.
Select the layer and choose Effect - Distort -Liquify from the drop-down menu.
Create a mask in the Layer panel to freeze sections of the image, then specify mask properties.
Perform the following actions in the Effect Controls panel:
From the Freeze Area Mask pop-up menu, select the mask you prepared.
Brush size and pressure must be specified. Low brush pressure causes changes to happen more slowly, making it easier to stop them in their tracks.
animation tricks