Tactical = leaning around corners a lot
Tactical Gordon Freeman render by SocialHunter https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2193793977
Get the mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/smod-tactical
*I will not read donations as it interrupts the flow of commentary
*No NSFW crap in the chat
*Accept the fact that I will probably miss quite a few chat messages
*Don't spam
*No politics or arguing in the chat
Thanks to our Patrons:
❤Mr Scruffles
❤Endited Ranger
❤Mickey Ruland
❤David Sands
❤Honza 'Jax' Cajthaml
❤Howey Roll
❤Obsidian Plague
❤Literally Just Hoog
❤Capt. Lou
❤Wyatt Phillips
❤Connor Fallaw
❤Admiral Chicken